Selected Publications

Legacies of Islamic Ecumenicism
Legacies of Islamic Ecumenicism: Taqrib, Shi'a-Sunni Relations, and Globalized Politics in the Middle East. Editor. Cambridge, MA: Weather Center for International Affairs. May, 2021.

From Cairo to Samarra
“From Cairo to Samarra: The Transnational Scholarly Reception of the Taqrib Project,” in Legacies of Islamic Ecumenicism: Taqrib, Shi'a-Sunni Relations, and Globalized Politics in the Middle East. May, 2021.

The Bektashi Shi'as of Michigan
“The Bektashi Shi’as of Michigan: Pluralism and Orthodoxy within Twelver Shi’ism.” Visions: Harvard WCFIA Project on Shi’ism and Global Affairs, 15 February 2020.

Five Myths of Sectarian De-Escalation
“Five Myths of Sectarian De-Escalation.” With Payam Mohseni. Engaging Sectarian De-Escalation Proceedings of the Symposium on Islam and Sectarian De-Escalation at Harvard Kennedy School. Cambridge, MA: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, August 2019.

Al-Ghadir: The Fountainhead of Shi'ism
“Al-Ghadir: The Fountainhead of Shi’ism.” Visions: Harvard WCFIA Project on Shi’ism and Global Affairs, 20 August 2019.

Conference Report: ‘Shiʿism and Governance’
“Conference Report: ‘Shiʿism and Governance,’ University of Chicago, May 12-13, 2017.” Shii Studies Review 2, no. 1-2 (2018), 381-384

The Acquisition and Transmission of Knowledge
The Acquisition and Transmission of Knowledge: The Role of Shīʿī Institutions of Learning in the Spread and Defense of a Tradition,” University of Chicago, April 1-2, 2016